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Welcome to Voland Orchestra

by Voland Orchestra | August 11th 2022
This is Voland Orchestra website created by Voland Orchestra. Voland Orchestra falls in LOCAL BUSINESS line of business. You can visit us of...
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About Us

Voland Orchestra

Voland is a band from Punkhell, Transylvania. Creators of the misfit generation. Its members are Begemoth on bass, Faggot on drums, Haty on rhythm guitar, and K.S Aestebub on lead guitar and vocals. 



Feature Gallery




Voland- Behind Blue Eyes the who cover

Voland- Behind Blue Eyes the who cover

Traposuke playing bass

Traposuke playing bass

K.S Aestebub Voland Face

K.S Aestebub Voland Face

Fated, Faithful, Fatal by Marilyn Manson (cover by Voland) Is out. Share and Stay Misfit!!

Fated, Faithful, Fatal by Marilyn Manson (cover by Voland) Is out. Share and Stay Misfit!!

My Songs on Soundcloud.

 Voland Dark Covers, One list by Voland on #SoundCloud


Soundcloud Covers

Voland on #SoundCloud

Biography and Voland's Members

K.S Aestebub Voland

K.S is the guitarist and lead vocalist of Voland. He is a cheerful and happy boy, but sadly he feels insecure and rejected by the world, and people often make him invisible. He is the creator of the misfit generation, an organization with which he intends to end those people who made him spiritually invisible. Odia el piano, debido a que quedó cuando niño atrapado en uno. Su compañero begemoth suele molestarlo tocando sonidos horribles en uno que le robó al violento vecino del joven Voland.He loves guitar and percussion. And because he suffers from strong anxiety, he usually records his songs and videos percussing with the pencil with which he writes his songs.


Is the bassplayer in Voland Orchestra. Is a mischievos black cat. According to him, he comes from a distant place full of excessive pleasure." She was operated on at Voland's house against his will, and they frequently quarrel. Although he plays the bass, he sometimes plays the keyboard to annoy K.S.


Is the drummer in Voland Orchestra, and also plays the acoustic guitar. Was created by K.S, and he Is your best friend. Has suicidal Tendencies

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